Bìol. Tvarin, 2016, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 125–132



S. V. Khyzhnyak, S. V. Midyk, S. V. Sysoliatin, V. М. Voitsitsky


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15 Heroyiv Oborony str., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine

In the processes of adaptation of living systems to extreme environmental conditions the paramount importance belongs to lipid fatty acids. The influence of the hypoxic-hypercapnic environment under hypothermia on the lipid fatty acid spectrum of rat liver, myocardium and blood was studied by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector.

The fatty acids quantitative changes are revealed. The changes in the lipid fatty acids spectrum are not detected in the liver, except for increase of the oleic acid content. In heart the content of saturated fatty acids and monoene unsaturated fatty acids decreased mainly due to oleic acid but the polyene unsaturated fatty acids content, in particular arachidonic and docosahexaenoic, increased. The increase of unsaturated fatty acids total content, which resulted in increase of fatty acids saturation index, was revealed in the blood. At the same time, unsaturated fatty acids are redistributed differently. The discovered reduction of the oleic, linoleic and linolenic fatty acids content may be related to their involvement in antioxidant protection but arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids increased as important regulators of the biological processes.

A day after the removal of the studied factors fatty acids content in the myocardium and blood did not return to the control level. Probably, the redistribution of the content of these fatty acids may be due to their role in the regulatory mechanisms occurring under hypoxic-hypercapnic influence and after its withdrawal. It is assumed that revealed specific rearrangement of the lipid fatty acids of rat liver, myocardium and blood content has compensatory nature, directed to maintaining of the functional activity under the new conditions of existence.


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