Bìol. Tvarin, 2017, volume 19, issue 3, pp. 107–114


О. М. Stefanyshyn, А. VHunchak, O. I. Lukovska, Ya. MSirko, V. О. Kystsiv, BBLisna, S. I Koretchuk

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Institute of Animal Biology NAAS,
38 V. Stus str., Lviv 79034, Ukraine

The paper presents the data about the caecums microflora composition in quails of Pharaon breed and their productivity under the additional administration of fitobiotic “Activo” and synbiotic “Propoul” to the ration in critical periods of growth (28th, 41st, 71st day after birth). The “Activo” preparation positively affected on the caecums microflora by increasing the number of strains with normal enzymatic activity and growing of cell E. coli. The use of “Propoul” preparation to the quail’s diet caused the changes of caecums microflora composition such as an increase of lactobacilli amount on the 41st day from the birth. An increase of bifidobacteria and E. coli strains with high enzymatic activity in the quail’s intestinal microflora in this period also had positive influence on the intestinal microbocenosis in poultry. Feeding up the “Activo” and “Propoul” preparations to Pharaon breed quails promoted the productivity of birds of 1st and 2nd experimental groups on 8 and 13 % respectively compared with control group during age period.

Pharaon quails belong to meat breeds, but their eggs laying capacity was at the level of eggs breed. High performance of incubation depends on the quality of eggs. The high quality of eggs provides hatchability of quails, their viability and productivity. Administration the “Activo” and “Propoul” preparations to the diet of quail’s in 1st and 2nd experimental groups respectively was accompanied by high hatchability on 13 % and 5 % compared with control groups of poultry.


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