Bìol. Tvarin, 2017, volume 19, issue 3, pp. 77–81


S. M. Pinchuk, D.F. Mylostyva

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Dnepr state agrarian-economic university,
25 S. Yefremov str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine

In the article the research of lipid composition of piglet blood in early period of ontogenesis under the action of microelements and bioactive addition “Humilid” of humic nature of is presented.

The study was conducted on 4 groups of pigs (control and three experimental) of 25-day age with 6 animals in each group. Pigs were selected by the method of analogues. Pigs of 1st experimental group received a basic diet and scarce microelements (FeSО4 0.05 mg + CoCl2 0.02 mg + Na2SeO3 0.01 mg). The 2nd experimental group consumed the main diet together with humic preparation “Humilid” as water solution in a dose 5 mg/kg. In the 3rd experimental group the complex of salts of microelements and “Humilid” was added to the basic ration in the foregoing doses.

For the results of researches it was found out, that at the use of bioactive substances (microelements and preparation of humic nature) the exchange of lipids is intensified in comparison to the piglets of control group.

In all experimental groups the decrease of cholesterol and increase of general lipids concentration by triacylglycerols and β-lipoproteins was revealed. But piglets which together with the basic ration received the complex of microelements and “Humilid” in comparison to animals that received microelements and “Humilid” separately had the biggest difference of these indexes. Such changes can be explained with better bioavailability of microelements under “Humilid” action and influence of bioactive compounds on the lipid exchange processes.

Further researches will be focused on prevention of microelemenosis development in the piglets of early postnatal period.


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