UDC 636.087.6:577.16:577.118:577.115                      http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/animbiol18.04.113


M. Furmanevych1, O. Vishchur1, K. Smolyaninov1, V. Tomchuk2

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1Institute of animal biology of NAAS,
38 Vasyl Stus str., Lviv 79034, Ukraine

2National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15 Heroyiv Oborony str., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine

The experiment at 3 groups of carps which at the end of vegetation period were divided in to control and two research groups 10 fishes in each has been conducted. Fish was kept in special trays under conditions of continuous closed system of water circulation. During 30 days fishes in control group were fed with granulated feed (fish meal, soybean meal, wheat, corn, oil). Carps of 1st experimental group obtained analogues quantity of granulated food plus preparation “Trуvit” in doses 2500 IU of vitamin A, 3333 IU of vitamin D3, 1.7 mg of vitamin E and 5 mg KI, 40 mg ZnSO4, 0.3 mg Na2SeO3 per 1 kg of food. Carps of 2nd experimental group also got in their ration addition of preparation with vitamins organic compounds in other concentration: 5000 IU of vitamin A, 6666 IU of vitamin D3, 3.3 mg of vitamin E and 10 mg KI, 60 mg ZnSO4, 0.5 mg Na2SeO3 per 1 kg of food.

After finishing the experiment blood and tissues samples were taken for investigation. In samples of liver and skeletal muscle of fish the total content of lipids by method of Folch and the level of individual lipid classes by thin layer chromatography on silica gel were determined.

Higher (P<0.05–0.001) level of lipids and phospholipids has been observed in the skeletal muscles and liver of carps after addition vitamins and minerals. Thus, in the studied samples there was a decrease (P<0.050.001) of efirlinked cholesterol. These changes were more pronounced in skeletal muscle and liver of carp in 2nd research group receiving vitamin and mineral supplements in higher doses.

So, feeding carp at the end of the growing season with vitamin and mineral supplements has a positive effect on lipid metabolism indicators which will increase the reserve adaptive capacity of the organism during the winter-spring period.


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