General information
“The Animal Biology” scientific journal publishes works on problems of biology, veterinary and agriculture, relevant to the journal’s Aims & Scope. The editorial board accepts original manuscripts that have been never published before and are not pending in any other journal (read more: Plagiarism Policy). The author is completely responsible for the content of the article and for the data published.
“The Animal Biology” accepts and publishes papers in Ukrainian or English. There are several types of scientific materials published in the journal:
research articles contain full description of an experimental study and its in-depth discussion;
review articles analyze the problem and put forwards new theories and/or speculations on the basis of previously published works on this problem;
short communications present early results, novel or timely contents;
abstracts of reports are bundles of proceedings of scientific conferences held on the basis of Institute of Animal Biology NAAS;
the journal also publishes reviews on the scientific monographs, biographies of scientists and scientific chronicles, letters to the editor discussing papers published in the journal earlier.
The review process
The expert evaluation aims to maintain the high professional level of the journal and support the selection of the most valuable scientific developments. The journal follows the practice of single blind peer review by two experts in the relevant field of science appointed by editor-in-chief or the deputy chief editor. The review procedure approved by the editorial board is an obligatory step in publication of research and review articles as well as short communications; in case of abstracts of reports the registration requirements, criteria for selection and the review procedure are established by the organizing committee of the scientific conference. The peer-review procedure is free of charge. Read more: Peer-review process
Article Processing Charge (APC)
The author of the accepted article is charged a fixed fee depending on the number of pages — 60 UAH per one page, and additionally 150 UAH for DOI index registration. This charge helps editors to cover the costs of the preprint preparation and printing of the journal. The estimated article processing charge does not exceed UAH 1,500.
The publication of scientific papers written in English is free of charge. We encourage internationalization, publication of works by foreign authors and Ukrainian authors in English in our journal. The high level of English is required; otherwise the author should revise the article or the paper can be rejected.
Submission of papers
The papers for publication in the journal can be submitted via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (editorial secretary Kateryna Sudyn). In the application for publication, it is necessary to submit the details of the main author and co-authors: first and last name, affiliation, address, contact phone number, ORCID. The submission of any papers is free of charge.
Manuscript preparation
When preparing the manuscript for the submission please follow the requirements for registration and structure of scientific articles. The editorial board accepts files created in the Microsoft Word text editor.
Recommendations for manuscript volume: research articles — 10–35 pages; for short communications smaller volume is allowed; review articles can contain up to 50 pages. This includes all parts of the future publication: annotation in both English and Ukrainian, tables and figures, reference list.
Recommendations for manuscript design: A4 sheet with margins 2 cm (left and right) and 2.5 cm (top and bottom), main text font — Arial 12pt, line spacing — 1.5.
The structure of the article:
UDC (Universal Decimal Classification)
Name(s) of the author(s), e-mail of the corresponding author, affiliations
Abstract, key words
Body of the article:
— short introduction describing relevance of the studied problem, aim of the work;
— materials and methods describing the conducted experiment — obligatory for research articles;
— results and discussion — obligatory for research articles.
Acknowledgements including sources of funding (if available)
Reference list
Title, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, abstract, key words, translated in Ukrainian (for articles in Ukrainian — in English)
In a separate block, we ask you to submit:
— ORCID of each author (if available).
— Authors’ Contributions (approximate list of duties: conceptualization, project administration, funding acquisition (in cases when the project was supported with external funding), supervision, methodology, investigation, formal analysis, visualisation, writing — original draft, writing — review & editing; each author must perform at least one function).
— Declaration of Conflict of Interests.
— Ethical approval (for experiments involving animal slaughter, the permission of the bioethical committee of the institution where the experiment was conducted is mandatory).
— Acknowledgements, funding sources.
An example of research article
An example of review article
The abstract is a brief informative summary of the article. Its size and structure depends on the paper, the limit is up to 2 thousand symbols. The abstract should not contain information that is not given in the body of the article, any references, the abbreviations are not advisable (if necessary, the deciphering and explanation should be given). The abstract in English and Ukrainian should be identical.
The body of the article begins with the introduction which describes the importance of the chosen problem, analysis of previously conducted research, review of literary sources. The obligatory structural parts of research articles are materials and methods containing an accurate and detailed statement of the performed research that makes the experiment replicable (in particular, information about equipment, reagents and materials, type and number of experimental animals, compliance with ethical standards, etc.; if well-known research methods were used, it is enough to give a link to the original sources where they are described), and results and discussion — the systematization and in-depth analysis of the obtained results. For review articles, the structure of the article body may vary and depends on the studied problems and the author’s research. Conclusion is a brief summary of the scientific research described in the paper. Perspectives of further research outline the issues arising from the conducted study and suggest areas of research work which can be a logical continuation of the published paper.
Tables and figures should be placed in the manuscript in the order as they are mentioned in the text. The information from the tables should not be duplicated in the article; if some research data is arranged in a table it is enough to give a reference to it in the text. Figures (such as photographs, graphs, drawings, etc.) must be of sufficient quality; the description should contain explanation of individual elements, deciphering of the notation used. If figures are available as separate files, the autor could additionally attach them collected in a single zip-archive. All text elements in the tables and figures should be duplicated in English (for articles in Ukrainian). The abbreviations are not advisable; if they are necessary, the author should give the deciphering and explanation in a note.
All units of measurement are given according to the SI system. The taxonomic names of the living organisms should be given in latin (coursive): full name (Staphylococcus aureus) if firstly mentioned in text and abbreviated (S. aureus) in all next mentions. Digital data can be summarized as a difference in research results in times or percent indicating the significance (P), correlation (r=), arithmetic mean and deviation (M±m). The significance of difference in research results should be proved by statistical analysis indicating the method used.
Reference list should be arranged in alphabetical order. All sources are cited in English; references for papers in Ukrainian or other language should be translated if no English version is available. The reference list includes published or accepted works only that are cited in the paper; in the text the author should give a reference number in square brackets — e.g., [1]. Personal communications and unpublished works can be only mentioned in the text without adding them to the reference list.
The journal uses the Vancouver bibliography style. It is highly recommended to give at the end of reference a digital identificator of cited work (such as DOI, PubMed ID, ISBN for monographs) or hyperlink to the web resource where the paper is available.
A journal article:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title of the article. J. Title. year; vol. (no.): pp. DOI: / Available at: https:// if available online (in original language — not indicated for papers in English)
Dovhaniuk VV, Rosalovsky VP, Salyha YT. State of the antioxidant system in Danio rerio fish due to the chlorpyrifos intoxication. Bìol. Tvarin. 2021; 23 (4): 59–65. DOI: 10.15407/animbiol23.04.059. (in Ukrainian)
A book:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Book Title. Book type (not obligatory). City, Publishing house, year: p. ISBN if available. (in original language — not indicated for papers in English)
Petrovska IR, Salyha YT, Vudmaska IV. Statistical Methods in Biological Research. A monograph. Kyiv, Ahrarna Nauka, 2022: 168 p. (in Ukrainian)
A book chapter:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Chapter title. In: Author DD, Author EE. Book Title. Book type (not obligatory). City, Publishing house, year: p. ISBN if available. (in original language — not indicated for papers in English)
Antonyak H, Iskra R, Panas N, Lysiuk R. Selenium. In: Malavolta M, Mocchegiani E (eds.). Trace Elements and Minerals in Health and Longevity. Springer, 2018: 63–98. ISBN 978-3-030-03742-0. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03742-0.
Conference proceedings:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title of the paper. Conference, time and place. J. Title (if available). year; vol. (no.): pp. DOI: / Available at: https:// if available online (in original language — not indicated for papers in English)
Sharan M, Murawski M. Introduction of modern biotechnological methods of sheep reproduction — successes of Ukrainian-Polish scientific cooperation. Proceedings of the 1st Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Forum AGROBIOPERSPECTIVES, 29–30 September 2021, Lviv, Ukraine. Bìol. Tvarin. 2021; 23 (3): 107.
Dissertation or thesis:
Author AA. Title. Autoref./Diss. PhD / Dr. sci., code and name of science field. City, affiliation, year: p. (in original language — not indicated for papers in English)
Rosalovsky VP. Violation of the pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance and the functional state in the blood of rats under chlorpyrifos intoxication and its correction with a vitamins A and E complex. Diss. PhD biol. sci., 03.00.04 biochemistry. Lviv, The Institute of Animal Biology NAAS, 2018: 162 p. Available at: (in Ukrainian)
A patent:
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Patent title. Type of patent, country, patent number, date of release. Available at: https:// if available online (in original language — not indicated for papers in English)
Lesyk YV, Dychok-Niedzielska AZ, Salyha YT, Luchka IV, Grabovska OS, Denys HH. A method of increasing organism immunobiological reactivity and productivity of hybrid rabbits. Patent UA no. 151083 from 01.06.2022, bull. no. 22. Available at: (in Ukrainian)
A standard:
Standard title. Type and code of standard. Available at: https:// if available online (in original language — not indicated for papers in English)
Prerequisite programmes on food safety — Part 1: Food manufacturing. ISO/TS 22002-1:2009. Available at: