Bìol. Tvarin, 2018, volume 20, issue 2, pp. 89–96


I. Chala, V. Rusak, L. Chuprun, P. Kovalyov
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Zhytomyr National Agroecological University,
39 Korolyova str., Zhytomyr 10025, Ukraine

The liver diseases belong to the most widely spread non-infectious cats’ pathologies; they result in disorder of all parts of metabolism. It is known that this organ is characterized by a high level of peroxidation, and some liver cells generate active oxygen forms for their own needs, that intensifies the lipid peroxidation processes.

The purpose of the research was to study the state of lipids peroxidation, glutathione fractions, some haematological and biochemical indexes in cats with liver pathologies. In the process of the research biochemical (the determination of total protein, albumen, urea, total and direct bilirubin content; alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase activity; lipid hydroperoxide and malonic dialdehyde concentration; total, renewed and oxidated glutathione concentration) as well as haematological (red and white blood indexes) test methods were used.

An experimental group included 23-year-old male and female cats, in which after a clinical and laboratory examinations hepatitis or liver’s functional insufficiency was diagnosed (invasive pathologies were excluded). The control group was formed with clinically healthy cats.

As a result of a research, it has been determined that in cats with liver pathologies the red blood cells as well as hemoglobulin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration reduced. As for white blood indexes, in a research group animals a total amount of white blood cells increased and a fraction of lymphocytes reduced. The studying of biological constituents of blood showed the increase in content of total protein of blood serum while a fraction of albumens as well as a content of urine in a blood serum reduced. The concentration of total and direct bilirubin in blood of animals with liver pathologies was much higher, there was an increase in enzymes alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase activity that testifies to the development of cytolysis in animals’ liver.

It has been determined that the cats with liver pathologies have higher concentration of lipids peroxidation lipid hydroperoxide and malonic dyaldehyde, herewith the concentration of renewed glutathione in the blood of animals was lower while the concentration of total glutathione increased. An increase in lipids peroxidation intensity while the concentration of the main antioxidant system substrate decreases and when there is a renewed glutathione, can be the main reasons for cytolysis development and excretion disorder of certain metabolites.


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