Bìol. Tvarin, 2016, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 46–51


R. Koziy

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State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and Strains of Microorganisms,
30 Donetska str., Kyiv 03151, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In recent years the problem of glanders becomes more important because there is a growing danger of reintroducing this disease from endemic regions (Brazil, Middle East, Pakistan, India, Mongolia etc.) into glanders-free regions due to the movement of eqines for the international trade or competitions. The only natural reservoir of the causative agent of glanders Burkholderia mallei is the infected animals. For this reason early identification and isolation of chronically and latently infected animals are essential for an effective control of glanders outbreaks.

According to the current Guideline of prevention and control of glanders in animals, the principal method of the serological diagnosis of glanders is agglutination test which does not comply with the international requirements. The only test for the diagnosis of glanders prescribed by OIE for the international trade is complement fixation test (CFT). Accordingly, CFT using the kit produced by BIOK (Russia) is routinely performed for the diagnosis of glanders at the laboratories of veterinary medicine in Ukraine.

The aim of this work was to evaluate comparatively the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of three complement fixation test kits, namely c.c.pro (Germany), BIOK (Russia) and Jovac (Jordan).

A laboratory panel of 711 negative sera and 94 referent positive sera were tested. The test was performed using micromethod according to the SOP of the EU reference laboratory for glanders and manufacturer guidelines.

The highest specificity was found for the BIOK CFT kit (99.7 %) while the highest sensitivity was found for the c.c.pro CFT kit (97.9 %). Taking into account the literature data, results of our study and the OIE recommendations for the serological diagnosis of glanders in horses, changes to the Guidelines for the prevention and eradication of glanders in animals should be made and CFT should be used as the primary test for the serological diagnosis of glanders.


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