Bìol. Tvarin, 2018, volume 20, issue 3, pp. 16–23


AZDychok, Ya. V. Lesyk, M. M. Tsap

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Institute of Animal Biology, NAAS,
38 V. Stus str., Lviv 79034, Ukraine

The article presents the results of the study of the influence of the production of rabbits from different periods of 60 to 118 days of various amounts of sulfur citrate, obtained by the method using nanotechnology and sodium sulfate, on the parameters of cellular and humoral immunity in the body. The research has established the probable differences between the experimental and control groups based on the relative content of phagocytic activity of neutrophils in the blood of rabbits, which were given silicate citrate at the rate of 4 and 8 S/kg body weight, indicating the stimulatory effect of the organic compound sulfur on the cellular level of non-specific resistance of their organism.

The expression of animals of experimental groups of sulfur citrate, in comparison with sodium sulfate and control group, more strongly influenced the indices of non-specific resistance of the organism of humoral type, which was higher (P<0.05) relative content of lysozyme and bactericidal activity of serum of rabbits of the III experimental group during the study and the second group on the 58th day of the experiment, which may indicate a positive effect of a separate amount of sulfur citrate on the course of metabolic processes involved in the formation of humoral mechanisms for body. The highest (P<0.05–0.01) content of hexoses bound to proteins and sialic acids in the blood of animals of the I−III experimental groups was obtained, which was expressed as sulfate citrate, which was more expressed on the 58th day of the experiment. An increase in the content of glycoproteins and their carbohydrate components in the blood within the limits of physiological values indicates an increase in the body’s resistance to the effects of individual amounts of sulfur citrate.

The release of an organic sulfur additive in the rabbit diet has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the immune system of their organism, which led to a possible increase in the content of immunoglobulins in the blood of rabbits II experimental group on 58th day of the study and II and III groups in the 31st day of the experiment compared with the control group, indicating activation of the immune response of the organism to the action of the applied amounts of citrate sulfur.


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