Bìol. Tvarin, 2019, volume 21, issue 1, pp. 34–39


B. S. Morozov

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Sumy National Agrarian University,
160 Herasyma Kondratieva str., Sumy 40021, Ukraine

When writing the article, the results of monitoring the epizootic situation of echinococcosis in farms of various production facilities of Sumy region were collected and reflected. The epizootic situation of echinococcosis in the territory of all administrative districts of the Sumy region was studied by analyzing and summarizing the statistical reporting forms of the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the Sumy Region for 2017.

During the veterinary and sanitary examination of meat in the state laboratories of veterinary sanitary examination in the markets of all administrative districts of the Sumy region, 1.8 % of pig echinococcosis was diagnosed, while all other invasive diseases (esophagostomosis, ascarosis) accounted for only 0.5 %.

Echinococcosis was diagnosed in 0.8 % mascara for veterinary sanitary inspection and control at slaughter points of the Sumy region, while no other invasive diseases were recorded during post mortem veterinary sanitary examination. To eliminate the complete infection of animals, it is necessary to break the chain of infection. In order for this method to be sufficiently effective, the use of anthelmintic drugs for pets is mandatory, and the veterinary services need to treat stray dogs. It is forbidden to feed internal organs of farm animals to pets and to allow their waste to landfills.


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