Bìol. Tvarin, 2015, volume 17, issue 3, pp. 63–71




The M. F. Ivanov’s Institute of Animal Breeding in Steppe Regions “Ascania-Nova” NAAS
Chervonoarmiyska str., 1, Ascania-Nova, Chaplynsky r., Kherson pr., 75230, Ukraine

The indexes of stretchability, electric resistance and crystallization of cervical mucus, pumped out in vaginal part of cervix, and its correlation with fertility were investigated on 65 Ascanian Merino ewes. Mucus was obtained during artificial insemination of animals: ewes in group G1ЕsNt showed a natural heat, G2ЕsSt — were stimulated in a breeding season (December) by the scheme 1, G3AnSt/1 — were stimulated in anestrous season (April) by the scheme 1, G3AnSt/2 — were stimulated in a anestrous season (April) by the scheme 2. The group G4AnNt included the seasonal anestrous ewes (early July). The scheme 1 included sequentially: injection of estrogen-containing preparation (1 mg), 10–12-days action of intravaginal sponge impregnated with cronolone (30 mg), a serum gonadotropin treatment (500 ІО) one day before sponge withdrawal; 2 — an additional injection of estrogen-containing preparation (1 mg) in day of sponge withdrawal.

The lowest values of stretchability and mucus crystallization and the greatest electric resistance were noticed in G4AnNt ewes. In animals with natural heat a degree of stretchability and ability of mucus to crystallize were higher and electric resistance was lower than in anestrous ewes (G4AnNt). The fact of stimulation influenced on the parameters of mucus: values of stretchability and mucus crystallization in G2ЕsSt group were less than in G1ЕsNt group. The season of year modified the reaction after stimulation: mucus crystallization in G2ЕsSt animals was lower and stretchability and electric resistance were higher than in animals of G3AnSt/1 group. In non-stimulated lambed animals (G1ЕsNt) values of stretchability (P<0,05) and mucus crystallization (P<0,05) were higher and electric resistance was lower than analogical indexes of non-lambed ewes. A season and hormonal stimulation modified a difference between lambed and non-lambed animals. Additional treatment with estrogen-containing preparation in anestrous season (G3AnSt/2) approached the common value of parameters of stretchability and electric resistance and its difference between lambed and non-lambed animals to the analogical in ewes of G1ЕsNt and G2ЕsSt groups. In breeding season among three investigated parameters only the stretchability notably correlated with fertility (z=0,556–0,604), in anestrous period — with electric resistance (z from –0,715 to 0,543). The value of mucus crystallization poorly correlated with fertility of ewe of all groups (z from –0,094 to 0,118). The revealed tendencies are perspective for using for estimation of quality of hormonal stimulation of heat in sheep.


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