
Bìol. Tvarin, 2013, volume 15, issue 3, pp. 22–30

O. P. Dolaychuk, R. S. Fedoruk, I. I. Kovalchuk, M. I. Khrabko
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Institute of Animal Biology NAAS,
Laboratory of ecological physiology and quality of productions,
38 V. Stus str., Lviv 79034, Ukraine

As a result of considerable progress in biotechnology in recent years more crops and raw materials obtained from genetically modified organisms, including soybeans, are part of the feed and food. In spite of long use of GMOs in these areas, their impact on animal organisms is controversial and understudied, especially in dynamic generations, that caused choice the direction of our research.In this article provided the results of studies of the physiological state of the third-generation female rats, under conditions of feeding them and their mothers conventional and genetically modified soybeans in an amount of 30 % of the nutritional value of the ration. We investigated that effect of soy manifested an increase in blood levels of the investigated glycoprotein and immunological parameters. This indicating the activation of immune system and could be caused by nutritional composition of soybean and the presence in it of biologically active compounds with the immunostimulatory effects.The results of determination of phenols fractions indicate us about tension of detoxification processes in the animal’s organisms of research groups.The installed higher transaminase activity of heart and liver tissue with a decrease its activity in the blood that may indicate a positive effect of soybeans on liver cells, including membrane integrity and the highest intensity of protein metabolism in the animal’s organisms of research groups. A generalized analysis of the results of research conducted on female rats leads to the conclusion that there is no definite negative or positive impact of GM soy components on their physiological state compared with animals fed native soybeans.


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