Bìol. Tvarin, 2016, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 17–21


S. Goncharov1, N. Soroka2


1Mykolaiv regional state laboratory of veterinary medicine,
2A Lunacharsky str., Mykolayiv 54003, Ukraine

2National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
16 Polkobnyk Potekhin str., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine

The article describes the results of the study of Paracoenogonimus ovatus (Katsurada, 1914) trematodes’ possibility to infect nonspecific host — a laboratory rat. The establishment of an ability of trematode P. ovatus to infect mammals makes it possible to form an idea of the infection risk for domestic and wild animals as well as humans, while consumption of fish and fish products undergone insufficient cooking and heating regime.

The pre-formed groups of experimental animals were fed with viable metacercaria of trematode P. ovatus that was previously taken with a small amount of muscle tissue of an ordinary pike (Esox lucius). The groups of experimental animals were formed by the principle of counterparts. The animals were fed with a fixed number of parasites —100 cysts per each rat in first and second groups; the third group was formed as a control one. The further pathomorphological investigation of animals was conducted in 20 days (group I) and on the 30th day (group II). The autopsy showed the mature individuals of trematode P. ovatus distributed not evenly along by the gastrointestinal tract.

The results of the experiment show that trematodes can infest and develop to mature forms in mammals. However, it should be noted that among the experimental rats which were infected with trematode metacercaria there were several animals with symptoms caused apparently by the pathological influence of larval trematodes. According to the research, we can conclude that with increased length of presence of trematode in mammals the infestation intensity is reduced. In the second group of rats the intensity of infestation was rapidly reduced — in 2.3 times compared to the first group.


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