Bìol. Tvarin, 2017, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 37–43


G. Zinovyev, A.M. Shostya


Institute of Pig Breeding and agroindustrial production NAAS,
1 Svedska Mogyla str., Poltava 36013, Ukraine

Nowadays, the most common genetically modified agricultural crops are corn, soybeans, cotton and canola. The total sown area occupied by GM crops consists of more than 20 % of agricultural land. In the world science it has been accumulated a considerable amount of data on the existence of actual and potential biological risks in the commercial use of transgenic plants. That is why the aim of our study was to investigate the effect of prolonged lines of the extruded GM soy in the composition of mixed feeds on amino acid composition of pig meat.

The studies were conducted under conditions of the State Enterprise “Experimental Base ‘Nadiia’” of Institute of Pig Breeding and agroindustrial production NAAS. To carry out scientific and economic experiment two groups of pigs of the Poltava Meat breed were formed, on 19 heads in each. The pigs in the control group, as well as their parents, during the rearing period were fed with a full feed containing full-fat extruded soybean of “Vorskla” (non-GMO) sort (5 % by weight), and pigs in experimental one extruded GM soybeans (the RR, GTS 40.3.2). Upon reaching the animals of slaughter live weight 3 heads from each group were slaughtered. Then amino acid analysis of samples of longissimus dorsi in animals from control and experimental groups was carried out.

It has been determined that using GM soy line GTS 40.3.2 as part of combined feeds in general hydrolyzate of pigs’ meat of the experimental group revealed increasing levels of essential amino acids on 25.1 %, amino acids on 24.7 %, the total content of amino acids on 24.9 %. The variability of studied indexes in the experimental group increased: the content of essential amino acids on 9.4 %, amino acids on 9.3 %, and the total amino acid content on 9.3 %. The ratio between the amino acids in meat of pigs from the experimental group did not change significantly. There is only a slight decrease in the relative content of lysine and proline, as well as increasing of glutamic acid as compared with the control. Аmino-acid score of pork under conditions of feeding GM soy did not have significant changes. It was found that the limiting amino acid in the longissimus dorsi in both experimental groups of pigs is valine.


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