Bìol. Tvarin, 2015, volume 17, issue 3, pp. 110–116


K. B. Smolyaninov


Institute of Animal Biology of NAAS,
38 Stus str., Lviv 79034, Ukraine

Recently, the study of issues related to the impact of vitamin A on lipid metabolism in fish is of vital importance, the main focus here is the study of processes of peroxidation. Moreover, the problems of optimal levels of vitamin A in the diet of fish at different stages of their development are insufficiently clarified. In this regard, the goal of the research was to study the impact of different levels of vitamin A in the diet of carp on the intensity of peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in their body. The article presents the results of a study of the influence of feeding different levels of additional vitamin A in the diet of carp for vitamin and metabolic status, intensity of peroxidation processes and the activity of antioxidant enzymes in their body. As a result, studies suggested that adding of vitamin A to diet in the form of retinol acetate at amount of 2500 and 5000 IU/kg resulted in the increase of its content in the liver. Addition to the diet of carp of 5000 IU/kg vitamin A led to a decrease of triacylglycerol levels in their blood. Adding to the fish diet of vitamin A, depending on the dose lowers the relative amount of phospholipids and free cholesterol and an increase of the relative amount of triacylglycerols in the lipid composition of skeletal muscle of carp. Feeding fish vitamin A promoted the reduce of the total lipids and the relative amount of phospholipids and free cholesterol and leaded to the increase in the relative amount of triacylglycerols in liver lipids of carp. Feeding of carp with vitamin A in a amount of 2500 IU/kg resulted in decrease of the content of lipid hydroperoxides, TBA-active products and to increase the activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, compared to carp of control group.


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