Kuriata NV, Chechet OM, Horbatyuk OI, Pishchanskyi OV, Musiiets IO, Balanchuk LV, Zhovnir OM. Comparative analysis of different approaches for determining microbiological criteria in feed samples for animals and poultry. Bìol Tvarin. 2024; 26 (2): 36–41.
Received 24.04.2024 ▪ Revision 10.06.2024 ▪ Accepted 08.07.2024 ▪ Published online 10.07.2024
Comparative analysis of different approaches for determining microbiological criteria in feed samples for animals and poultry
N. V. Kuriata1,2, O. M. Chechet1, O. I. Horbatyuk1, O. V. Pishchanskyi1, I. O. Musiiets1, L. V. Balanchuk1, O. M. Zhovnir3
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1State Scientific Research Institute for Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary-Sanitary Examination, 30 Donetska St., Kyiv 03151, Ukraine
2Institute of Animal Biology NAAS, 38 Vasyl Stus St., Lviv 79034, Ukraine
3Institute of Veterinary Medicine NAAS, 30 Donetska str., Kyiv 03151, Ukraine
The article presents research results on microbiological criteria of animal and poultry feed conducted under the requirements of the State Monitoring of Animal and Poultry Feed in accordance with the Order of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection for routine studies of feed samples and for in-depth studies to detect the entire species composition of microorganisms in feed samples coming from feed production enterprises in Ukraine. Isolation and identification of isolates were carried out according to current documentation. Feed is one of the main components of the food chain within the “One Health” concept to which Ukraine is committed. In-depth microbiological studies isolated from animal and poultry feed samples isolates of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Listeria monocytogenes, and Listeria innocua, confirming high levels of contamination by pathogens indicating potential risks of their spread and danger due to possible antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and potential transmission of acquired resistance to the normal microbiota of animals and humans through feed consumption. Furthermore, animal and poultry feed are not included in the list of objects of the National Strategy of Ukraine for Containing the Development of Antimicrobial Resistance.
Key words: animal and poultry feed, premixes, mixed fodder, bran, meal, fish meal, animal-origin meal, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria innocua
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