Influence of Ferrovet-7.5 % and Ferosel-T on the functional state of the liver in the latent iron deficiency anemia in piglets

V.B. Todoriuk, V.M. Hunchak

Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology namend by S.Z. Gzhytsciy, Pekarska st., 50,Lviv, 79010

The article presents the experimental results of studies on the pharmacological action of a new ferodextrans drug ferrovit-7.5% which in 1 ml of dextran is contained 75 mg of ferric iron, and ferosel-T, also 1 ml of whose, apart 75 mg of ferric iron additionally is contained 0.3 mg of selenium (in the form of sodium selenite) on the functional state of the liver of newborn piglets by the latent ferum deficiency anemia.The functional state of the liver was assessed by the protein synthesis function (the content of total protein and its fractions in the blood serum), the detoxification function (levels of urea and creatinine in the blood serum) and the excretory function (concentration of cholesterol and bilirubin).

It is established that in the blood serum of piglets by latent ferum deficiency anemia in connection with age of animals, has decreased the content of total protein (p<0.01), levels of albumin and urea (p<0.01) and are showed the tendency to increase of bilirubin and lower cholesterol.

When you apply of a new ferodextrans drug for the treatment of ferum deficiency anemia of piglets is increased the content of total protein and albumin in the blood serum of animals in all studied age categories of both experimental groups compared with control group counterparts, and more significantly in piglets that received ferosel-T. At the same time, the use of T-ferosel has contributed to rising the activity of of enzyme systems that are involved in the synthesis of urea, as evidenced by significant (р<0.01) increase its content in the blood serum of 21- and 30-day old piglets, respectively, at 10.09 and 11.32%.

In studies which were held by us did not found significant changes contents of bilirubin in the serum of animals of experimental groups, which were injected drugs containing ferric, although it was slightly lower than the control. The 21-day old piglets of the second experimental group which were injected ferosel-T the level of bilirubin was significantly (p<0.01) lower than the index in pigs in the control group at 7.65%.

It is shown that in case ferum deficiency anemia of piglets the effectiveness of the drug ferosel-T with curative and the preventive purpose are higher than the drug ferrovet-7,5% that is caused by aggregate action of Ferum and Selenium.It is shown that in case ferum deficiency anemia of piglets the effectiveness of the drug ferosel-T with curative and the preventive purpose are higher than the drug ferrovet-7,5% that is caused by aggregate action of Ferum and Selenium.

Keywords:Ferum, Selenium, Ferrovet-7,5%, Ferosel-T, Ferum deficiency anemia, Protein synthesis function, Function of urine formation, Detoxification function

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