Bìol. Tvarin, 2016, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 160–165



N. E. Yanovych1, Y. F. Rivis2

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1Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S. Z. Gzhytsky,
50 Pekarska str., Lviv 79010, Ukraine

2Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian Region NAAS,
5 Grushevskogo str., Obroshino, Lviv Oblast, 81115, Ukraine

Copper and Zinc are essential for fishes elements with wide spectrum of biological activity, however their simultaneous influence on the activity of antioxidant system and carp growth in physiological and excessive concentrations demands further investigations. Actuality of following experiments is determined, inter alia, by species differences of susceptibility of fishes to increased content of trace elements in diet, organic and tissue peculiarities of their distribution in organism.

This paper presents that at Copper concentration in mixed fodder equated to 1 MPL (maximum permitted level) it accumulates in the gills of carp in greater measure than in the liver and skeletal muscles. At the same time, Zinc accumulates equally in the gills, liver and skeletal muscles. At 2 MPLs in mixed fodder, Copper accumulates equally in all abovementioned tissues of carp, while Zinc accumulates preferably in the gills and liver, than in the skeletal muscles. At 1 MPL of Copper and Zinc in mixed fodder, activity of main antioxidant enzymes in the carp gills, liver and skeletal muscles is increasing against the decreasing of lipid peroxidation products level. At 2 MPL of Copper and Zinc in mixed fodder, level of lipid peroxidation products in the gills, liver and skeletal muscles of carp is conversely increasing. During the experiment (45 days), carps of control group increased their live weight 1.65 times, and carps of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups — 1.94 and 1.82 times, respectively.


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