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Influence of exogenous enzymes and different forms of Sulfur in the diets of broiler chickens on productivity and quality of poultry products
A. V. Hunchak, O. M. Stefanyshyn, Y. M. Sirko, B. Ya. Kyryliv, I. B. Ratych
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Institute of Animal Biology NAAS, V. Stusa Str.,38, Lviv 79034, Ukraine.
Biologically active feeding factors that positively influence the digestibility and absorption of nutrients from feed include enzyme preparations. These preparations are multi-enzyme and are characterized by their specific focus on improving the digestion of proteins, fiber, beta-glucans, arabinoxylans, and others. However, their effective use in the diets of certain species of poultry, of specific ages and productivity types, requires further research. At the same time, to meet the biological needs of poultry for nutrients, the deficiency of sulfur-containing amino acids can be partially compensated by the additional inclusion of sulfates, which contributes to an increase in components of sulfonated amino-polysaccharides, potentially improving the functioning of the mucosal barrier of the digestive tract and stimulating the absorption of feed nutrients. Therefore, systemic studies on the intensity of metabolic processes in the bodies of poultry when introducing exogenous enzymes in combination with sulfur in various forms are promising, aimed at enhancing the breakdown, digestion, and absorption of feed nutrients, as well as improving the biological and nutritional quality of poultry products. The study was conducted in the vivarium of the Institute of Animal Biology NAAS on young meat-type chickens of the ROSS-8 cross, starting from 10 days of age, divided into four groups (20 birds each). The broiler chicks were kept in cages and fed according to technological requirements. All poultry received a complete compound feed. The chicks in the control group consumed compound feed with an additional 0.3% sodium sulfate. The first experimental group had 0.3% sodium sulfate + Natuzym added to their diet; the second experimental group received sulfur citrate (25% of the control, calculated as sulfur) + Natuzym; and the third experimental group received sulfur citrate (10% of the control, calculated as sulfur) + Natuzym. It was shown that the effectiveness of the additional inclusion of sulfur in the diets of broiler chicks depends on the form and amount of the element. The appropriateness of replacing the mineral sulfur additive in the diets of meat-type poultry with sulfur in the form of an inorganic salt (Na2SO4) with sulfur citrate of nanotechnological origin in an amount constituting 10% of the content of the element in its inorganic form, along with the complex enzyme preparation Natuzym, was proven. This leads to increased poultry productivity (body weight increased by 1.7%; weight of the slaughtered carcass increased by 4.16%; slaughter yield increased by 2.12%) and improved quality of the obtained products (the content of both esterified and free cholesterol in breast muscles significantly decreased (P<0.01) as well as free fatty acids (P<0.05), while the quantity of triglycerides increased (P<0.01).
Key words: Sulfur, enzyme additive, broiler chicks, productivity