Bìol. Tvarin. 2021; 23 (1): 34–37.
Received 06.03.2021 ▪ Accepted 16.03.2021 ▪ Published online 01.04.2021

Influence of Streptomyces levoris CNMN-Ac-01 on meat productivity and chemical parameters of rabbit meat

M. A. Karaman

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Scientific and Practical Institute of Biotechnologies in Zootechny and Veterinary Medicine,
Maximovca, Anenii Noi district, MD 6525, Republic of Moldova

The purpose of the work was to evaluate the influence of biomass of Streptomyces levoris CNMN-Ac-01 added to fodder on meat productivity and chemical composition of rabbit meat. The experimental and control groups of animals (each one consisting of 5 rabbits) were formed according to analogous principles of age, sex (only females), body weight, mode of maintenance and feeding. The age of rabbits used for the experiment was 45 days. The control rabbits were fed with granulated fodder produced according to the recipe developed in the laboratory of Nutrition and Forage Technologies. The rabbits in experimental group were fed with the same granulated fodder supplemented with 0.1% biomass of Streptomyces levoris CNMN-Ac-01. The results of the chemical analyzes of the used fodder indicated that the elaborated fodder composition provide rabbits with all necessaries for their vital activity, where as added biomass of Streptomyces levoris CNMN-Ac-01 do not significantly affect its chemical composition. The increase of the protein content by 0.20% and water by 1.15% were observed in meat of experimental rabbits where the content of fat was decreased for 0.71% in comparison to those of the experimental group. The supplementing of streptomycete biomass in granulated fodder had an essential effect on the weight gain of rabbits and improves the bone and meat ratio in the carcass.

Key words: meat, chemical composition, rabbits, fodder, biomass, Streptomyces levoris CNMN-Ac-01

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