Bìol. Tvarin. 2020; 22 (3): 26–31.

Історичний нарис про лабораторію біохімічних основ вовноутворення

П. ВСтапай, Н. П. Стахів, О. О. Смолянінова

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Інститут біології тварин НААН,
вул. В. Стуса, 38, м. Львів, 79034, Україна

Представлено основні здобутки наукової діяльності лабораторії біохімічних основ вовноутворення за період її існування, тобто впродовж 42 років (1970–2012 рр.). За цей період в лабораторії опрацьовано теоретичні основи процесів вовноутворення, які ґрунтуються на виявлених закономірностях взаємозв’язку рівня і спрямованості обмінних процесів в організмі вівці, насамперед у шкірі, з морфогенезом, структурою, хімічним складом і фізичними показниками вовни. Результати досліджень опубліковано у різних наукових виданнях, у тому числі закордонних (понад 700 статей). Видано 13 монографій та посібників, 23 методичних і одну практичну рекомендацій, низку інформаційних листків, підготовлено і захищено 34 дисертацій, зокрема п’ять докторських. Наукові розробки захищені авторськими свідоцтвами (п’ять свідоцтв) і патентами України.

Ключові слова: вівці, біохімічні процеси вовноутворення, структура, хімічний склад, фізичні показники, годівля, селекція

  1. Makar IA. The influence of nitrogen and sulfur-containing composites on metabolism processes due to wool production in sheep Diss. … doct. biol. sci. 03.093. Lviv, 1971: 372 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Lobur VV. The study of correlation between wool growth and metabolism processes in sheep organism. … cand. biol. sci. 03.093. Lviv, 1971: 140 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Lukashevsky ZF. Breed features of structure and chemical composition of hair follicle lipids and wool keratin. … cand. biol. sci. 03.093. Lviv, 1971: 136 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Dolynsky AS. The correlation between structure, chemical composition and physical properties of wool in sheep of different breeds.: … cand. biol. sci. 03.00.04. Lviv, 1978: 139 p. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Stapay PV. Influence of some factors on the indices of lipid metabolism in skin, prekeratin of hair follicles and wool fat (wax). Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1978. — 139 p. (in Russian)
  6. Humenyuk VV. Redox processes in sheep skin related to wool growth. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1981: 122 p. (in Russian)
  7. Danyluyk VI. Structure, chemical composition and physical properties of Tsigai X Carpathian sheep wool. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1982: 110 p. (in Russian)
  8. Achilov GB. Age features of structure, chemical composition and physical properties of Karakul sheep Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 03.00.04. Lviv, 1983: 120 p. (in Russian)
  9. Fertikov VI. Changes in keratin fibers structure under acid and alkaline processing. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1985: 149p. (in Russian)
  10. Robak VE. The polymorphism of dehydrogenases and the dynamics of their multiple forms in sheep skin during wool formation process. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1985: 167 p. (in Russian)
  11. Sedilo HM. The influence of zeolites and ammonium sulfate on metabolism indices in blood and on sheep productivity. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv,1986: 108 p. (in Russian)
  12. Martyshchuk NV. Structure, chemical composition and physical properties of colored Tsigai X Carpathian sheep wool and some indices of products made of Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 03.00.04. Lviv, 1989: 140 p. (in Russian)
  13. Hedz BM. The correlation of phosphorus and calcium levels in blood and skin of sheep and wool growth, its structure and quality. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1990: 144 p. (in Russian)
  14. Isaenko NM. Structure, chemical composition and physical properties of wool, its structure and quality. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1990: 108 p. (in Russian)
  15. Koval LV. Biochemical research of sheep wool damaged by microorganisms. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1994: 101 p. (in Russian)
  16. Paranyak NM. Lipid components of sheep blood, skin and wool fat in relation to wool growth. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1995: 111 p. (in Ukrainian)
  17. Sachko RH. The content of sulfur-containing compounds in wool during its annual growth, storage and primary processing. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1995: 113 p. (in Ukrainian)
  18. Protsevyat OM. Influence of minerals on nucleic acid, disulfide groups, glycogen content in hair follicles, on structure, chemical composition and physical indicators of sheep wool. Diss. … cand. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 1996: 127 p. (in Ukrainian)
  19. Stapay PV. Skin lipids, their role in wool production processes and in preservation of the sheep wool natural Diss. … doct. agricult. sci. 06.00.25. Lviv, 1997: 308 p. (in Ukrainian)
  20. Oleksiv RY. Biochemical and genetic characteristics of skin and organs in Carpathian sheep due to their wool cover type. … cand. agricult. sci. 06.00.25. Lviv, 1997: 91 p. (in Ukrainian)
  21. Chokan TV. Biochemical and genetic features of blood in Ukrainian Carpathian sheep due to their wool productivity. … cand. agricult. sci. 06.00.25. Lviv, 1997: 120 p. (in Ukrainian)
  22. Havrylyak VV. Relationship between metabolism indices and wool growth, its structure, physical and chemical parameters. Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 2001: 117 p. (in Ukrainian)
  23. Lyko IY. Comparative characteristics of structure, chemical composition and physical parameters of normal and defective wool. Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 2003: 113 p. (in Ukrainian)
  24. Syvyk AY. Metabolic and productive action of protein and mineral supplement for sheep. Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 2003: 131 p. (in Ukrainian)
  25. Sedilo HM. The role of minerals in wool production processes. A monograph. Lviv, Afisha, 2002: 184 p. (in Ukrainian) (This monograph was a basis for diss. … doct. agricult. sci. in 2004).
  26. Hirzheva OL. Productivity of Askanian multifertile type Karakul sheep when fed rapeseed meals enriched in macro- and microelements. Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 02.02. Lviv, 2004: 146 p. (in Ukrainian)
  27. Smolyaninova OO. Melanogenesis peculiarities in Carpathian sheep with colored wool. Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 2006: 127 p. (in Ukrainian)
  28. Tkachuk VM. Structural lipids of sheep wool keratin due to growth, yellowing processes, physical and chemical properties and nutritional Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 03.00.04. Lviv, 2007: 143 p. (in Ukrainian)
  29. Kochetov SV. Metabolic processes in organism of sheep and their productivity when using chromium in diets. Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 2008: 132 p. (in Ukrainian)
  30. Strohush NS. Features of lipid composition of skin in sheep of different breeds and wool due to its growth, physical and chemical parameters. Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 2011: 166 p. (in Ukrainian)
  31. Sydir NP. Biochemical indices of blood and milk in ewes when using different levels of mineral elements (S, I, Cu, Zn, Co) in diets. Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 2013: 164 p. (in Ukrainian)
  32. Havrylyak VV. Biochemical and species features of hair structure for the normal state and pathology. Diss. … doct. biol. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 2015: 326 p. (in Ukrainian)
  33. Tkachuk VM. Biochemical reasons of forming physical and chemical properties of sheep Diss. … doct. agricult. sci. 03.00.04. Lviv, 2015: 360 p. (in Ukrainian)
  34. Tyutyunnyk OS. Metabolism peculiarities and productive qualities in young sheep when using different levels of lysine, methionine and sulfur in their diets. Diss. … cand. agricult. sci. 00.04. Lviv, 2017; 153 p. (in Ukrainian)
