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Bìol. Tvarin. 2023; 25 (3): 42–51.

Життя в науці і для науки (пам’яті Р. С. Федорука)

І. І. Ковальчук, Я. В. Лесик, В. В. Каплінський, М. М. Цап, А. З. Пилипець

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Інститут біології тварин НААН, вул. В. Стуса, 38, м. Львів, 79034, Україна

У статті проаналізовано життєвий і творчий шлях відомого фізіолога, вченого, доктора ветеринарних наук, професора, члена-кореспондента НААН Федорука Ростислава Степановича. Відображено наукову, педагогічну, організаторську та громадську діяльність професора. Представлено результати фундаментальних досліджень і прикладних розробок, одержаних Р. С. Федоруком під час виконання завдань, які входили до наукових програм Національної академії аграрних наук і Науково-методичного центру «Фізіологія тварин». Висвітлено основні результати проведених теоретичних та прикладних досліджень під керівництвом Р. С. Федорука щодо впливу нових ефективних кормових добавок і біологічно активних речовин, що апробовані та впроваджені на виробництві, зокрема в галузі скотарства, вівчарства, кролівництва, птахівництва та бджільництва, обґрунтовано пропозиції та способи щодо їх використання. Ростислав Степанович Федорук — автор понад 500 наукових праць, зокрема монографій, навчальних посібників, довідників тощо. Тривалий час був заступником головного редактора і членом редколегій численних наукових видань, членом Українського біохімічного та фізіологічного товариств, наукового товариства імені Т. Г. Шевченка. З 2015 р. обраний віце-президентом Українського фізіологічного товариства імені П. Г. Костюка. Наукова діяльність Р. С. Федорука і його учнів присвячена вивченню процесів адаптації тварин до агроекологічних умов утримання, з’ясуванню фізіолого-біохімічних механізмів впливу біологічно активних добавок на основний та проміжний обміни, функцію розмноження і продуктивність сільськогосподарських тварин, оцінку біологічної цінності продукції тваринництва. За період наполегливої творчої та науково-педагогічної діяльності Р. С. Федорук здобув вагомий авторитет науковця та вченого і користувався глибоким шануванням серед колег, впливав на формування української аграрної науки та сформував свою наукову школу дослідників.

Ключові слова: наука, освіта, фізіологія, екологія, нанотехнології

  1. Bogdanov GO, Sologub LI, Yanovych VG, Fedoruk RS. Metanogenesis in the rumen of ruminants (ecological, microbiological, biochemical aspects). Bìol. Tvarin. 2001; 3 (1): 7–21. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Dolaychuk OP, Fedoruk RS, Khrabko MI, Tsap MM. Indicators of physiological status of the replacement heifers fed with diet containing genetically modified components. Sci. Conf. “Aktualne wyzwania naukowe w chowie i hodowli zwierząt”. Kraków, 2011: 68–69.
  3. Dolaychuk OP, Fedoruk RS, Kovalchuk II, Kropuvka SY. Physiological activity of germanium, chromium and selenium nanoaquacitrates in rats. Bìol. Tvarin. 2014; 16 (3): 172.
  4. Dolaychuk OP, Fedoruk RS, Kovalchuk II. Immunological and reproductive functions of the female rats fed by natural and genetically modified soybeans. J. Physiol. Pathophysiol. 2014; 5 (1): 49–55. DOI: 10.1615/IntJPhysPathophys.v5.i1.50.
  5. Dolaychuk OP, Fedoruk RS, Kropyvka SY. Physiological reactivity and antioxidant defense system of the animal organism induced by Germanium, Chromium, and Selenium “nanoaquacitrates”. Sci. Pract. 2015; 2 (2): 50–55. DOI: 10.15407/agrisp2.02.050.
  6. Dolaychuk OP, Matuykha OI, Fedoruk RS. Glycoproteins content and fatty acid composition of heifers blood plasma under condition of feeding ”soy milk”. VII Conf. Young Res. “Fiziologia i biochemia w zewieniu zwierzat”, Institute of Animal Physiology and Feeding nd. After Jan Kielanowski PAN in Jabłonna. Krakow, 2010; 120–123.
  7. Fedoruk R, Kravtsiv R. The content of heavy metals in milk and tissues of cows at the area of technogenical contamination and children teeth dysphasia. Univer. Mariae Curie-Skłodowska DDD. 2005; XV (7): 258–263.
  8. Fedoruk R. Blood hormones and their arterio-venous difference by mammary gland in cows during administration of aminazin and phenazepam. Univer. Mariae Curie-Skłodowska DDD. 2002; XV (7): 303–306.
  9. Fedoruk R. Blood hormones and their arterio-venous differences in the mammary gland in cows when using aminazine II Lviv-Lyubin Conf. Exp. Clin. Biochem. 2004: 350–352.
  10. Fedoruk R., Tretevich V. The increase of adaptability of cows to the conditions of the industrial milk production technology. Ukr. Sci. Conf. “Nauki o zwierzetach w XXI wieku”, Krakow, 2001: 37–40.
  11. Fedoruk RS, Dolaychuk OP, Kovalchuk II, Tsap MM. Reactions of physiological systems rats’ organism by watering them low and high doses Germanium “nanoaquacitrate”. Sci. Pract. 2015; 2 (3): 15–21. DOI: 10.15407/agrisp2.03.015. (in Ukrainian)
  12. Fedoruk RS, Khomyn MM, Vronska OT, Tsap OF, Kolisnyk GV, Kropyvka SY, Pylypiv II, Tokarchuk ZB. Physiological and biochemical status of the body of sheep in the conditions of the third zone of radioactive contamination. Bull. LNUVMBT. 2003; 5 (3): 97–103. (in Ukrainian)
  13. Fedoruk RS, Khrabko MI, Kaplunenko VG, Tesarivska UI, Denys GG. Microelements of female tissues of F1 rats for the long-term effects of various doses of nano-germanium citrate Joint Annual Meeting of the German Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS) with Zinc-UK. Zinc and other Transition Metals in Health and Disease, Aachen, Germany, 28–30 September 2017: 30.
  14. Fedoruk RS, Kolechuk OI. Immunobiological and antioxidant status of bulls-sires organism at feeding selenium and chrome. Sci. Conf. “Osiagniecia naukowe a praktyka zootechniczna”, Kraków, 2009: 23–27.
  15. Fedoruk RS, Kolisnyk GV, Humenyuk VV, Tsap OF, Khomyn MM, Kropyvka SY. Some features of phenol detoxification in the body of bulls from different ecological zones of the Carpathians J. 2002; 48 (2):193. (in Ukrainian)
  16. Fedoruk RS, Kovalchuk II, Tsap MM, Kropuvka SY. Metabolic processes in blood and quality of cows’ milk in the period of feeding nano-co citrate. Conf. Biotechnol. Welfare Anim. Sci. Sess. “Perspectives for Cattle Breeding and Production”, Kraków, 2017; 62.
  17. Fedoruk RS, Kovalchuk II. Biological effect nano-Co citrate in lactating cows. XVII Middle Eur. Buiatr. Congr. Slovakia, 2017: 96.
  18. Fedoruk RS, Kravtsiv RY, Kolisnyk GV, Rivis YF. Detoxification ability of the body and fatty acid composition of blood and milk lipids of cows under the conditions of technogenic load on the environment of varying intensity. Techn. Bull. IAB. 2004; 5 (1–2): 135–139. (in Ukrainian)
  19. Fedoruk RS, Kravtsiv RY. Physiological mechanisms of adaptation of animals to environmental conditions. Bìol. Tvarin. 2003; 5 (1–2): 75–82. (in Ukrainian)
  20. Fedoruk RS, Matyuha IO. Promising technologies for the production of “soymilk” for the needs of agriculture. Tech. Bull. SSRCIVMPFA IAB. 2008; 9 (1/2): 138–143. (in Ukrainian)
  21. Fedoruk RS, Romaniv LI, Kovalchuk II. The content of certain heavy metals in tissues and products of honeybees under the condition of their feeding with native soy flour adding chloride and aquanano chrome citrate. Bìol. Tvarin. 2015; 17 (1): 140–148. DOI: 10.15407/animbiol17.01.140. (in Ukrainian)
  22. Fedoruk RS, Tesarivska UI, Khrabko MI, Tsap MM. Growth and development of the organism and immunophysiological indices of blood of male F2 rats, affected by different doses of nanogermanium citrate. Sci. Pract. 2017; 4 (2): 14–22. DOI: 10.15407/agrisp4.02.014. (in Ukrainian)
  23. Fedoruk RS, Tesarivska UI, Kovalchuk II, Iskra RJ, Tsap MM, Khrabko MI, Koleshchuk OI. The indices of thyroid system and metabolism of rats under the influence of nanocomposition based on iodine and citrate. Biochem. J. 2021; 93 (3): 92–100. DOI: 10.15407/ubj93.03.092.
  24. Fedoruk RS, Tesarivska UI, Kovalchuk II, Tsap MM, Kaplunenko VH, Koleschuk OI, Khrabko MI. Biological effects of iodine, selenium, sulfur citrates in broiler chickens. Mech. Biosys. 2021; 12 (3): 113–120. DOI: 10.15421/022172.
  25. Fedoruk RS, Tretevich VI, Melnyk JS. Sorption of certain precursors of milk depending on the physiological state of cows. IV Ukr. Biochem Cong. Kyiv, Naukova dumka Publ., 1982: 209 p. (in Ukrainian)
  26. Fedoruk RS, Tretevich VI. Absorption of carbohydrate-protein compounds by the mammary gland of lactating cows. 3rd Biochem. Cong. 1977: 346. (in Ukrainian)
  27. Fedoruk RS, Tretevich VI. Glycoprotein components of colostrum and milk of cows in different periods of lactation. Agricult. Sci. 1988; 6: 54–56. (in Ukrainian)
  28. Fedoruk RS, Vlizlo VV, Kovalchuk II, Koleshchuk OI. Macro- and microelements of blood and its antioxidant activity in lacting cows under the action of iodine citrate in different doses. Bìol. Tvarin. 2019; 21 (2): 96.
  29. Fedoruk RS, Vronska OT, Kolisnyk GV, Rivis YF, Khomyn MM, Tsap OF, Kropyvka SY, Pylypiv II. Physiological and biochemical reactions of the body of cows to dietary loading with cadmium and zinc sulfate. Biochem. J. 2002; 74 (4b): 109–110.
  30. Fedoruk RS. Effect of phenazepam on the organism of first-born cows. Herald Agr. Sci. 1998; 8: 33–35. (in Ukrainian)
  31. Fedoruk RS. Formation of adaptation in first-borns during the period of getting used to machine milking and the use of tranquilizers. Sci. Tech. Bull. Inst. Anim. Physiol. Biochem. 1997; 19 (1): 59–62. (in Ukrainian)
  32. Fedoruk RS. Some blood metabolites and their arterio-venous difference in the mammary gland of cows during the period of use of tranquilizers. Bìol. Tvarin. 1999; 1: 83–88. (in Ukrainian)
  33. Fedoruk RS. The use of drugs of adaptive action during the period of transfer of cows to pasture maintenance. Husb. Ukr. 1998; 8–9: 5–6. (in Ukrainian)
  34. Humenyuk VV, Fedoruk RS, Kolisnyk GV. Biochemical characteristics of some tissues of cows in the zone of environmental pollution. Bull. LNUVMBT. 2000; 2 (2): 52–54. (in Ukrainian)
  35. Iskra RY, Vlislo VV, Fedoruk RS. Biological efficiency of citrates of microelements in animal breeding. Sci. Pract. 2017; 4 (3): 28–34. DOI: 10.15407/agrisp4.03.028. (in Ukrainian)
  36. Khomyn MM, Fedoruk RS, Koleshchuk OI. Antioxidant profile of the body of cows after feeding chromium and selenium supplements in the initial period of lactation. Bull. LNUVMBT. 2010; 12, 2 (44): 258–262. (in Ukrainian)
  37. Kropyvka SY, Fedoruk RS, Khomyn MM, Kovalchuk II. Products of lipid peroxidation and immunobiological indicators of the body of cows at different levels of chromium in the diet. Bull. LNUVMBT. 2010; 12, 2 (44): 143–147. (in Ukrainian)
  38. Lesyk YV, Fedoruk RS, Kropyvka SY. Influence of applying Chlorella suspension, sodium sulfate, chromium chloride and chromium citrate in rabbits’ ration on antioxidant status of their organism. X Young Sci. Meet. “Physiology and Biochemistry in Animal Nutrition”. Kraków, 2013: 159–162.
  39. Lesyk YV, Fedoruk RS. Effects of dietary supplementation of lysine-protein and chromium chloride on lipid peroxidation and vitamin A and E content in the blood of rabbits. VII Conf. Young. Sci. “Fiziologia i biochemia w zewieniu zwierzat”. Kraków, 2010; 97–100.
  40. Lesyk YV, Fedoruk RS, Dolaichuk OP. Immunobiological status of the organism of rabbits after feeding chromium chloride and lysine-protein supplement. Tech. Bull. SSRCIVMPFA IAB. 2011; 12 (3, 4): 24–28. (in Ukrainian)
  41. Lesyk YV, Fedoruk RS, Kyrychuk AP. Physiological-biochemical processes in the body and productivity of young rabbits after feeding chromium chloride. Sci. Works Kharkiv State Zoovet. Acad. “Problems of zooengineering and veterinary medicine”. 2011; 23 (2): 105–109.
  42. Lesyk YV, Fedoruk RS. Growth intensity and slaughter performance of rabbits fed lysine-protein supplement and chromium chloride. Bull. LNUVMBT 2010; 12, 2 (44): 169–173. (in Ukrainian)
  43. Matyuha IO, Fedoruk RS, Tsap MM, Koleshchuk OI, Kropyvka SY. Age-related dynamics of the intensity of lipoperoxidation processes and the activity of antioxidant defense enzymes in calves after the introduction of “soy milk” into the diet. Tech. Bull. SSRCIVMPFA IAB. 2009; 10 (1–2): 181–184. (in Ukrainian)
  44. Matyukha IO, Fedoruk RS. Current issues of using soybeans and products of its processing in animal husbandry: prospects and problems Int. Sci. Pract. Conf. “Scientific support for innovative development of agricultural production in the Carpathian region”. 2007: 247–256. (in Ukrainian)
  45. Mazurkevich AY, Karpovskyi VI, Kambur MD, Trokoz VO, Fedoruk RS. Physiology of Animals. Vinnytsia, Nova Knyga, 2012: 424 p. (in Ukrainian)
  46. Slobodianyk KF, Tretevich VI, Fedoruk RS. Reactivity of cows. Husb. Ukraine. 1983; 5: 20–21. (in Ukrainian)
  47. Slobodianyk KF, Tretevych VI, Fedoruk RS. Influence of methods of maintenance on the physiological state and productivity of cows. Agricult. Sci. 1981; 12: 52–54. (in Ukrainian)
  48. Tretevych VI, Fedoruk RS. Indicators of metabolic processes and further milk productivity of cows when feeding cattle in the dry season. Tech. Bull. Ukr. Res. Inst. Physiol. Biochem. Agricult. Anim. 1991; 13 (2): 9–12. (in Ukrainian)
  49. Vlizlo VV, Fedoruk RS, Kovalchuk II. The biological effect of citrates of microelements in lactating cows Middle European Buiatrics Congress PROCEEDINGS BOOK, Slovakia, May 3–6, 2017: 97.
  50. Vlizlo VV, Fedoruk RS, Makar IA. Physiological and Biochemical Research Methods in Biology, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine. A handbook. Lviv, 2004: 399 p. (in Ukrainian)
  51. Vlizlo VV, Fedoruk RS, Ratych IB. Laboratory Research Methods in Biology, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine. Lviv, Spolom Publ., 2012: 764 p. (in Ukrainian)
  52. Vlizlo VV, Fedoruk RS. Science of the Western region of Ukraine (1990–2010). Section “Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine”. Lviv: PAIS Publ., 2011: 672. (in Ukrainian)
  53. Vlizlo VV, Kovalchuk II, Koleshchuk OI, Tsap MM, Khrabko MI. The intensity of protein exchange and the content of glucoproteins in the blood of cows under the condition of feeding iodine citrate. Bìol. Tvarin. 2019; 21 (2): 147.
  54. Vronska OT, Fedoruk RS, Kolisnyk GV, Rivis YF, Khomyn MM, Tsap OF, Kropyvka SY, Pylypiv II. The influence of heavy metal compounds on indicators of immunobiological reactivity of the body of cows. Mess. Lviv University. Biol. Ser. 2003; 32: 178–185. (in Ukrainian)
